Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! If each of your technicians has a computer station with access to a printer and the internet they can all be using SIRPAWeb at the same time.
How much is SIRPAWeb?
Please give us a call at (877) 859-2959 or Email us at sales@paa.org for the price of SIRPAWeb.
Yes, users setup as Service Managers or Service Clerks can assist with recording.
Keeping in mind you will still need to follow the signature requirements for inspections recorded this way.
SIRPAWeb is only designed to for recording of Pennsylvania State Inspection Records for generating MV-431, MV-480 and Vehicle Inspection Records.
Does SIRPAWeb have inventory management for emissions stickers?
Emissions stickers are already managed via your emissions machine because of that SIRPAWeb does not include emissions sticker management.
Since the only information required on the MV-431 for a vehicle that requires an emissions sticker is just the sticker number SIRPAWeb provides a field to record the number. From our experience and customer feedback typing in the emissions sticker number provides the best overall user experience for recording it.

TECHSupport FAQs
Any point after clicking save and continue and before issuing the sticker for an inspection, a work order will show in the pending menu.
This means that if you are logged out of the system, before issuing the sticker, you can go back into the work order that you started and continue where you left off.
If you start a new work order for the inspection instead of selecting the pending one the system can not tell that it is the same inspection.
Voiding a sticker requires Service Manager permissions in SIRPAWeb.
Service Managers:
Click on the orange Manager button to open the Manager Menu.
Click the orange HELP(FAQ) button to open the FAQ page.
The ‘Void a Sticker’ selection is an interactive guide to take you through the process of voiding a sticker.
PAA sells a 2D bar code scanner
Just call (877) 859-2959 to order a 2D bar scanner